My name is Stephanie Tayo. I am an artist and technology enthusiast.
I began my art journey at a very young age and it has been exciting to say the least.
The main inspiration behind most of my personal work has alot to do with my identity.
Beyond the canvas, I am fascinated with software development. As a Software developer, I thrive in the dynamic environment of problem-solving and algorithmic thinking.
Have a look at my Software Development portfolio here
Thank you for taking your time to read this and for supporting my journey in any way you have or plan to!
Check out some of my artwork here! Also I post alot of my artwork and the process videos on my social media so feel free to check it out!
I am delighted to present my software development portfolio.
Professional Experience and Expertise
I am a Software Engineer with 4 years of experience using modern development techniques. I have a proven track record of implementing
successful projects using Java Spring Boot, JavaScript, and Python.
In addition, my unique background as an artist with
strong creative abilities sets me apart as I bring a fresh perspective to problem-solving as well as my experience collaborating with diverse
technical and cross-functional teams to achieve outstanding results.
Technical Skills
- Languages: JavaScript, Java, Python
- Web Services: REST
- Frameworks: SpringBoot, NodeJS, ReactJS, Express, Hibernate
- Databases: MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL
- Design Patterns: MVC, Singleton, Prototype, Observer
- Tools: Git, GitHub, VS Code, Eclipse, MongoDB Compass, Docker,
Postman, Jira, Jenkins (CI/CD)
- Data tools: Pandas, Numpy, Jupyter Notebook, Tableau, PowerBI,
- Concepts: Microservices, Kafka, ActiveMQ, Monolith, SOA
Java Streams and What You Need To Know About Them
Personal Projects
• Change Request System: Developed a program which manages change requests for organisations.
Technologies Used: React, Express, NodeJS, MongoDB, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, REST Github
• Online Retail System: Created a RESTful application for an Online Retail System.
Technologies Used: Java, SpringBoot, Postman, Spring Data JPA and Spring Cloud Services, Azure DevOps
• A real-time data microservice application: Presents data from a real-time platform (Crypto Pricing) using microservice architecture.
Technologies Used: Stream-based architecture(microservices), SpringBoot, Kafka,MongoDb, Git
Feel free to send me an email on stephanie7tayo@gmail.com or contact me here
This oil painting was a commission for Zanzibar Restaurant In Geneva,2.5 by 1.5 metres, it took about four months. It is one of the works I am most proud of, maybe because it took more dedication than any of the other paintings.
'Bold III' Oil on canvas 50*60
'Bold II' Oil on canvas 50*60
'Bold I' Oil on canvas 50*60 cm
'Destiny' within reach
Acrylic and oil on canvas 40 by 50 cm
My first oil painting! Came out better than I expected. Email me for all your painting commission needs.
Oil on canvas 55*46 cm
'Beautifully Vulnerable I' There's feeling in bareness and sometimes those feelings are provoking and tell a story on their own no words, and I believe thats beautiful. Acrylic on canvas 55*46 cm
'Beautifully Vulnerable II' Prt 2 of the series. Acrylic on canvas 55*46 cm
Acrylic on canvas 40 by 50 cm
A mother of the baka (Pygmee) tribe feeding her child in Cameroon. Reference picture by Peter De Ruiter.
Acrylic on canvas 55*46 cm
'Higher' Acrylic on canvas 55*46 cm
'Inner Child' May we all learn to heal our inner child. Acrylic on canvas 40*50 cm
'Overwhelmed' Fight off your vices before they consume you
Acrylic on canvas 40 by 50 cm
Emotions color our world
Acrylic on canvas 40 by 50 cm
You ever miss how you felt about something the first time you experienced it?
Acrylic on canvas 40 by 50 cm